Toride - Guide
Kyu-Toride-shuku Honjin [旧取手宿本陣染野家住宅]
Toride, Ibaraki Pref.MAP
10:00-15:30 Fri-Sun; free
Honjin were inns for high-ranking shogunate officials, domain lords and such, placed along major long-range roads during the Edo era. At this Honjin, its main building remains.
Near JR Toride Sta.
Chozenji Temple [長禅寺]
Toride, Ibaraki Pref.MAP
Chozenji is a Rinzai Zen temple with well-maintained precincts.
Near JR Toride Sta.
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Ishioka - Guide
Old townscape of Ishioka [石岡の商家町]
Ishioka, Ibaraki Pref.MAP
In central Ishioka, shop buildings which were built after a devastating huge fire in 1929 wiped out the town remain relatively.
Near JR Ishioka Sta.
Hitachi Kokubunji Temple [常陸国分寺]
Ishioka, Ibaraki Pref.MAP
Hitachi Kokubunji is a Shingon Buddhist temple. If you're going to visit Ishioka, visit here also.
Near JR Ishioka Sta.
Hitachi-koku Soshagu Shrine [常陸国総社宮]
Ishioka, Ibaraki Pref.MAP
Hitachikoku Soshagu is a Shinto shrine in Ishioka. If you're visiting Ishioka, visit here also.
Near JR Ishioka Sta.
Hitachi Fudoki no Oka [常陸風土記の丘]
Ishioka, Ibaraki Pref.MAP
9:00-17:00 (-16:00 Dec-Feb); 310yen; closed Mon* & 12/28-1/2
Hitachi Fudoki no Oka is an open-air museum which displays reconstructed farm houses from the Jomon to Edo period and a rebuilt workshop which operated around Nara to Heian era. There are a few real old farm houses as well. (By the way, Hitachi is an old name of modern Ibaraki Prefecture and the multinational cooperation Hitachi has nothing to do with this museum.)
Take a bus from JR Ishioka Sta.
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