Central Saitama 1

Kawagoe is a city in which historical townscape is preserved.

Kawagoe - Guide

pinTownscape of Kawagoe [川越の商家町]

Kawagoe, Saitama Pref.MAP

At the center of Kawaguchi City remain many traditional-style store buildings, thus its core area being designated as a historic district by the state. Most of them were built after a devastating fire in 1893 but in a style close to that of the feudal times, so the city is called the Little Edo (Edo is the former name of present Tokyo). In a country where most of urban old townscapes were destroyed by WWII, this is a precious place where you can imagine what merchant areas were like around Edo. Some buildings are open to the public as small museumspinpinpin.
Near Seibu Line Honkawagoe Sta.

Townscape of KawagoeTownscape of KawagoeTownscape of KawagoeTownscape of KawagoeTownscape of KawagoeTownscape of KawagoeTownscape of KawagoeTownscape of KawagoeTownscape of KawagoeTownscape of KawagoeTownscape of KawagoeTownscape of Kawagoe

pinKosaiji Temple [広済寺]

Kawagoe, Saitama Pref.MAP

Kosaiji is a Soto Zen temple around the historic district.
Near Seibu Line Honkawagoe Sta.

Kosaiji TempleKosaiji TempleKosaiji TempleKosaiji Temple

pinYoju-in Temple [養寿院]

Kawagoe, Saitama Pref.MAP

Yojuin is a Soto Zen temple around the historic district.
Near Seibu Line Honkawagoe Sta.

Yoju-in TempleYoju-in TempleYoju-in TempleYoju-in Temple

pinHongyo-in Temple [成田山川越別院(本行院)]

Kawagoe, Saitama Pref.MAP

Hongyoin is a Shingon Buddhist temple near the historic district.
Near Seibu Line Honkawagoe Sta.

Hongyo-in TempleHongyo-in TempleHongyo-in TempleHongyo-in Temple

pinKita-in Temple [川越大師(喜多院)] link

Kawagoe, Saitama Pref.MAP

[Backyard garden etc] 8:50-16:30 (-16:00 Nov 24-Feb 28); 400yen; closed Feb 2-3, Apr 2-5, some days around late April to early May, Aug 16, & Dec 25-Jan 8

Kitain is a medium-sized Tendai Buddhist temple.
Near Seibu Line Honkawagoe Sta.

Kita-in TempleKita-in TempleKita-in TempleKita-in TempleKita-in TempleKita-in TempleKita-in TempleKita-in Temple

pinSemba Toshogu Shrine [仙波東照宮]

Kawagoe, Saitama Pref.MAP

Semba Toshogu is a Shinto shrine next to Kita-in.
Near Seibu Line Honkawagoe Sta.

Semba Toshogu ShrineSemba Toshogu ShrineSemba Toshogu ShrineSemba Toshogu Shrine

pinNaka-in Temple [中院]

Kawagoe, Saitama Pref.MAP

Nakain is a well-maintained Tendai Buddhist temple near Kita-in.
Near Seibu Line Honkawagoe Sta.

Naka-in TempleNaka-in TempleNaka-in TempleNaka-in Temple

pinKawagoe Hikawa Jinja Shrine [川越氷川神社]

Kawagoe, Saitama Pref.MAP

Kawagoe Hikawa Jinja is the top Shinto shrine in Kawagoe.

Kawagoe Hikawa Jinja ShrineKawagoe Hikawa Jinja ShrineKawagoe Hikawa Jinja ShrineKawagoe Hikawa Jinja Shrine


pinGyodenji Temple 行伝寺

Kawagoe, Saitama Pref.MAP

Gyodenji is a Nichiren Buddhist temple with well-maintained precincts.
Near Seibu Line Honkawagoe Sta.
Gyodenji Temple

pinKawagoe-jo Honmaru Goten 川越城本丸御殿

Kawagoe, Saitama Pref.MAP

9:00-17:00; 100yen; closed Mon, 4th Fri of month (open if holiday), Dec 28-Jan 4

This building, constructed in 1848, was part of the office building inside Kawagoe Castle. The castle itself is almost completely lost.
Near Seibu Line Honkawagoe Sta.
Kawagoe-jo Honmaru Goten

pinKoedo Kurari 小江戸蔵里

Kawagoe, Saitama Pref.MAP

Koedo Kurari is a visitor center using a now-defunct sake brewery facility.
Near Seibu Line Honkawagoe Sta.
Koedo Kurari


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