Eastern Tama Area - Guide
Edo-Tokyo Open-air Architectural Museum [江戸東京たてもの園] link
Koganei, Tokyo Pref.MAP
9:30-17:30 (-16:30 Oct-Mar); 400yen; closed Mon* & Dec 28-Jan 4
Tens of old buildings, from Edo-era rural farm houses to early 20th century urban homes, are relocated here from the area corresponding to present Tokyo Prefecture.
Take a bus from JR Musashi-Koganei Sta.
Jindaiji Temple [深大寺]
Chofu, Tokyo Pref.MAP
Jindaiji is a relatively large Tendai Buddhist temple. Since it is situated adjacent to the Jindai Botanical Garden, which is a large public botanical garden, it doesn't look like a temple in a heavily populated area.
Tonogayato Garden [殿ケ谷戸庭園]
Kokubunji, Tokyo Pref.MAP
9:00-17:00; 150yen; closed Dec 29-Jan 1
Tonogayato Garden is a half-Japanese-half-Western garden completed in 1915 as the villa of a prominent business leader.
Near JR Kokubunji Sta.
Okunitama Jinja Shrine [大国魂神社]
Fuchu, Tokyo Pref.MAP
Okunitama Jinja is one of the most prominent Shinto shrines in western Tokyo Prefecture.
Near Keio Line Fuchu Sta or JR Fuchu-honmachi Sta.
Kyodo-no-Mori Museum [府中市郷土の森博物館]
Fuchu, Tokyo Pref.MAP
9:00-17:00; 200yen; closed Mon* & Dec 29-Jan 3
Several old buildings are relocated to this open-air museum.
Takahata Fudoson Kongoji Temple [高幡不動尊(金剛寺)]
Hino, Tokyo Pref.MAP
Takahata Fudoson, formally Kongoji, is a relatively large Shingon Buddhist temple.
Near Keio Line Takahatafudo Sta.
Suwa Jinja Shrine [諏訪神社]
Tachikawa, Tokyo Pref.MAP
Suwa Jinja is a relatively large Shinto shrine.
10-min walk from JR Tachikawa Sta.
Fusaiji Temple [普済寺]
Tachikawa, Tokyo Pref.MAP
Fusaiji is a relatively large Rinzai Zen temple. If you're going to Suwa Jinja Shrine, its not so far from there.
Showa Kinen Park [国営昭和記念公園] link
Tachikawa, Tokyo Pref.MAP
9:30-around17:00 (check its official website); 410yen; closed 4th Mon-Tue of Feb & Dec 31-Jan 1
Showa Kinen Park is a huge state-run park constructed in 1983. Among the many components of the park, there are a large Japanese stroll garden and a set of a relocated farm house from the Edo period.
Near JR Nishi-Tachikawa Sta.
Myofukuji Temple [妙福寺]
Machida, Tokyo Pref.MAP
Myofukuji is a Nichiren Buddhist temple with well-maintained precincts.
Kodaira Furusato Mura Museum [小平ふるさと村]
Kodaira, Tokyo Pref.MAP
10:00-16:00; free; closed Mon*, 3rd Tue of month*, next day of holiday (open if Sat or Sun), & Dec 27-Jan 5
Relocated or reconstructed here at this small open-air museum are several old buildings from the Edo to Meiji era, most of them farm houses.
20-min walk from Seibu Line Hana-Koganei or Kodaira Sta.
Koanji Temple [高安寺]
Fuchu, Tokyo Pref.MAP
Koanji is a Soto Zen temple with well-maintained precincts..
Musashi-Fuchu Kumano Jinja Shrine [武蔵府中熊野神社古墳]
Fuchu, Tokyo Pref.MAP
[古墳展示館]時間:9-17時 料金:無料 休館日:月(祝なら翌日)・年末年始
Behind the shrine's buildings is an overhauled mound of a Kofun tomb constructed in the 7th century, whose shape is pretty rare type.
Keio Mogusaen [京王百草園]
Hino, Tokyo Pref.MAP
9:00-17:00; 300yen; closed Wed* & Dec 30-Jan 3
Keio Mogusaen is a Japanese garden which overhauled the grounds of an abandoned Buddhist temple.
Toko-in Temple [東光院]
Kawasaki, Kanagawa Pref.MAP
Tokoji is a Shingon Buddhist temple with well-maintained precincts.
Near Odakyu Line Tsurukawa Sta.
Seisuiji Temple [清水寺]
Machida, Tokyo Pref.MAP
Seisuiji is a Rinzai Zen temple with well-maintained precincts..
Shosenji Temple [小川寺]
Kodaira, Tokyo Pref.MAP
Shosenji is a Rinzai Zen temple. There are gardens in front and back of the main hall.
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